Testing in DEVOPS Environments

Hybrid software testing combines elements of traditional testing and agile testing. This approach is used to take advantage of the advantages of both approaches and minimize their disadvantages.

At GreenSQA we work within the DevOps environment, where we can apply various quality assurance techniques, such as: static reviews, architecture reviews and unit tests, among others.

When we talk about DevOps, we talk about automation at all levels, not only in software testing but also in development processes (DEV), Security (SEC) and infrastructure deployment (OPS). We invite you to continue learning from our experts!

In DevOps, process automations and automations are implemented for quality assurance (QA) of the products that enter this cycle.

Features of DEVOPS Tests:

DevOps is now considered by many to be mainstream or a trend, which explains why “DevOps Engineer” is ranked no. 6 on Glassdoor’s list of the 50 best jobs in the United States. But just because it is a trend or something that has become popular does not necessarily mean that it is easy to adopt or implement.

Simply put, DevOps is an aspiration that the vast majority of organizations strive to achieve. However, there are only a few who are really prepared for it. Most likely, you will face many challenges and obstacles in order to implement these modern practices. The truth is that the implementation of DevOps practices during digital transformation leads to better organizational performance and quality results.

In the era of DevOps, there is a wide variety of automated tests, today we already have tools like Aimaps at the service of our clients, which we continue to migrate with the vision that new technologies give.

Types of Tests used in the DEVOPS Approach:

Among the DevOps tests are:

  • Static Reviews, Unit Tests.
  • Mutation Testing.
  • Compatibility tests on mobile devices.
  • Compatibility tests on various internet browsers on various operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.),
  • API and Performance testing.
  • Security Testing, Deployment Testing, Continuous Monitoring.
  • Testing in Production.

When we talk about DevOps we talk about automation at all levels

Do you want to know more about Hybrid Software Testing?

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Carrera 85b N° 1446
El Ingenio II
Cali – Valle

1809 W Jetton Av 33606
Tampa Florida

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