Dynamic Tests

We have our own methodology that uses specialized techniques to develop test cases, which allow us to verify whether it satisfies the needs of users and their behavior in the face of unexpected inputs. They are done through experimental operation of the product and includes testing of exception paths.

We have incorporated into our methodology the three best-known integration testing strategies in the industry and apply in each case the one that best suits the needs of the project:

From top to bottom (top-down)

It consists of starting the integration and testing with the modules that are at the higher levels of abstraction, and incrementally integrating the lower levels.

From bottom to top (bottom-up)

It consists of starting the integration and testing with the modules that are at the lower levels of abstraction, and incrementally integrating the higher levels.

Big bang

It consists of integrating and testing everything at the same time.

Dynamic testing involves running the software in a real or simulated environment to evaluate its behavior.

Tipos de Enfoque de las Pruebas Dinámicas

Smoke Test

This type of testing is used to validate code changes that come in a new version, release, or patch, before they are incorporated into the product baseline. After code reviews, the smoke test is the most useful for identifying software defects. They are designed to confirm that code changes work as expected and do not destabilize an entire structure.

Regression Tests

This involves re-running tests, or a subset of them, on an updated version of the software to ensure quality after adding new functionality. Its purpose is to ensure that: Defects identified in the previous test run have been corrected. The changes made have not introduced new defects or reintroduced previous defects.

Comprehensive system-level testing

The objective of these tests is to evaluate the fluidity of the system from the starting point of the process to its completion, including generation of reports and indicators of the most representative processes. This type of tests allows the reception, validation, processing, consolidation and publication of information to be comprehensively evaluated with a single set of data.

Usability Tests

The ISO 9126-1 standard defines usability as the ability of a software product to be understood, learned, used and attractive to the user. GreenSQA ensures that bugs in the application user interface are identified and corrected in a timely manner.

GreenSQA performs communications tests through remote devices and local devices, depending on the conditions of the project, to determine that the interfaces between the system components work properly.

Benefits of Dynamic Tests:

Among the main benefits of Dynamic Tests are:

  • Error identification

    Dynamic testing can help identify errors that cannot be detected by static testing. These errors can include logic errors, user interface errors, and performance errors.

  • Requirements verification

    Dynamic testing can help verify that software meets business requirements. This can help ensure that the software meets users’ needs.

  • Usability testing

    Dynamic testing can help identify usability issues with software. This can help improve the usability of the software.software.

  • Test of performance

    Dynamic testing can help evaluate software performance under different loading conditions. This can help ensure that the software works properly in production environments.

El objetivo de todas nuestras PRUEBAS es validar que el software cumple con el nivel de calidad requerido para entrar en producción.

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Carrera 85b N° 1446
El Ingenio II
Cali – Valle

1809 W Jetton Av 33606
Tampa Florida

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